
I'm feeling superbly silly sad now. ): I feel forgotten somehow.. All the stupid little promises made, I seriously feel like tearing it up into bits and shreds and just burn it away with fire. It's bugging me like some irritating mozzie bite. It's seriously a PAIN in the ass. Damn it. What for get so upset over the same issues over and over again, when people don't listen, over react and still think I'm that sensitive, no over sensitive. Is it me or is it them. Whatever. I'm grateful to my lovelies who even botherssss to come down to Marina Square just to see me for that few minutes, accompanied me during the long and tiring hours just to talk to me, minusing the fact that my stupid buck tooth assistant manager stalking on them (extremely hilarious please!) or just to put a smile across MY FACE. That simple, that's all I really need to brighten up a gloomy day at work. Very nice infact to like spot your friends in a crowd of unknown faces! :) Especially after seeing different faces (the customers) every single darn minute, plus your ugly ba gei manager stalking your every move:X hahahaha, you just want to talk to someone you know. FYI, I can't even talk to my colleagues damn it. NEVERMIND. I love my toilet and break time very much. 'Cause it's the only time I can like sit in the store room munching my food and slurping my big gulp or slurpee. And SMS and make phone calls. I kinda lost contact with the world when I'm working.. Sigh.. Random.

Sigh... it's ok. They come and go...
Sometimes I wished they never come back.

Understand me, this HURTS.

gosh i'm aging. :(



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